Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dish in the District!

Hello lovelies!  So, much of my love of eating takes place here in Washington D.C. ... I live here, I play here, I work here... I EAT here.  I love love love exploring DC and all its delicious and frequently diverse eating options.  So, in part to remind me to post more often about my DC eating exploits, and also just to get more DC eats in here, I'm kicking off DISH IN THE DISTRICT (thanks Mich for the title idea!).  Every week, I'll post about eating here in DC under "Dish in the District."  I'm not sure if it will be the same day of the week every week, but will keep you updated!  Be on the lookout this week for the first "Dish in the District."

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

OysterCulture said...

Yeah, what a great idea and cannot wait to see the places you explore!